Reading Matthew 26:36-46, I was struck about the importance of prayer.  Not that I don’t think prayer is important, I do!  I believe it is the basis of my walk with the Lord.  However, ‘western’ Christians, myself included, do not put a high enough of importance on prayer.  I cannot remember the last time that I ever gave up sleep in order to spend time in prayer.  Can you? 

Jesus took his three closest disciples with him to Gethsemane to Pray.  Peter, James and John.  He told them to “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”  Jesus was praying very earnestly.  He, as the scriptures says, “began to be sorrowful and troubled.”  Jesus knew that his time was coming when he would be arrested, and eventually crucified.  He is God the Son, which makes him omniscient.  Yet, even though he knows what must take place, he is still human, and can still feel everything and anything we would feel.  Emotions, tiredness, and pain.  All of which he has experienced by this time, with the exception to pain.  But I’m sure he knew what that was going to feel like.
