Mark 13:36-37

36 If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37 What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!'”


When is Jesus going to be coming?  That is the question.  It even says in verse 32 of that same chapter, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”  Jesus does not even know!  Which begs the question, why doesn’t Jesus know?  There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all three are separate in there own way, yet all three are one.  Why would Jesus not know what the Father knows?  Even though that is a question that I cannot answer at this time, one thing is for sure, Jesus is coming back someday for His bride.  Peter, John the Baptist, and many others went around saying to those around them to repent, because the end is near.  IF they were saying that almost 2000 years ago, how much closer to the end times are we now? 

Do I live like the end is tomorrow?  No!  This makes me ponder a question that I have heard asked before.  If I knew for a fact that Jesus is coming back this Friday at 5:37pm, pacific time, what would I do between now and then.  Would I continue living my life the way I live it now, sharing the gospel, when I know it is safe to.  Or maybe even going most of the day not even thinking about God, let alone not even praying to Him.  I think not!  I believe, that all Christians, unless there heart is stone cold, that they would be witnessing to every person they came into contact with.  No matter what that person thought about them.

Why don’t I live like that now?  Grant you, Jesus coming back in a couple days, changed the way I would go about witnessing, but why don’t I witness as much as I should.  Do I pray for opportunites in my daily walk to share the gospel with other people?  Most importantly, am I prepared to share the gospel, and even possibly leading someone to Christ? 

All of this is making my mind wander about various things.  Such as, how many verse do I have memorized?  AM I memorizing other verses?  How much time do I spend in prayer with God?  How much time do I spend in His word, studying who God is and everything about Him?  I have a lot of areas that I am weak in, yet, I have the ability to grow in, spiritually.  So what am I going to do about it?

I will keep you posted!